
Main Publications     

            total citation 74,798   h index 129    i10 index 686

  1. Mikoshiba K., Tsukada Y., Haruna I. Watanabe I.: RNA-dependent RNA synthesis in rat brain. Nature 249 445-448 (1974)

  2. Hozumi N., Haruna I., Watanabe I., Mikoshiba K.,Tsukada Y.:Poly (U) polymerase in rat brain Nature 256 337-339 (1975)

  3. Mikoshiba K., Yokoyama M., Inoue Y., Takamatsu K.,Tsukada Y. & Nomura, T.: Oligodendrocyte abnormalities in shiverer mouse mutant are determined in primary chimaeras. Nature: 299 357-359  (1982)

  4. Furuichi T., Yoshikawa S., Miyawaki A., Wada K., Maeda N. & Mikoshib K.: Primary structure and functional expression of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-binding protein P400. Nature 342 32-38 (1989)

  5. Miyawaki A., Furuichi T., Maeda N. & Mikoshiba K.: Expressed cerebellar-type inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor, P400 has calcium release activity in a fibroblast L cell line. Neuron 5 11-18 (l990)

  6. Miyawaki A., FuruichiT., RyoY., Yoshikawa S., NakagawaT., SaitohT. & Mikoshiba K.: Structure-function relationships of the mouse inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 88 4911-15 (1991)

  7. MoriY., FriedrichT., Kim M.S., Mikami A., Nakai J., Ruth P., Bosse E., Hofman F., FlockerziV., FuruichiT., Mikoshiba K., Imoto K., TanabeT. & Numa S.: Primary structure and functional expression from complementary DNA of a brain calcium channel. Nature (article) 350 398-402 (1991)

  8. Turnley A.M., Morahan G., Okano H., Bernard O., Mikoshiba K., Allison J., Bartlett P.F. & Miller ,J.F.A.P.: Dysmyelination in transgenic mice resulting from expression of class I histocompatibility molecules in oligodendrocytes. Nature 353 566-69 (1991)

  9. Mikoshiba K, Okano H, Tamura T.A, Ikenaka K.Structure and Function of Myelin Protein Genes.  Annual Review of Neuroscience Vol. 14: 201-217 (1991) 

  10. Kuwajima G., Futatsugi A., Niinobe M., Nakanishi S. & Mikoshiba K.: Two types of ryanodine receptors in mouse brain: Skeletal muscle type exclusively in Purkinje cells and cardiac muscle type in various neurons. Neuron 9 1133-42 (1992)

  11. Fujimoto T., Nakade S., Miyawaki A., Mikoshiba K. & Ogawa K.: Localization of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-like protein in plasmalemmal caveolae. J. Cell Biol. 37 1507-13 (1992)

  12. Miyazaki S., Yuzaki M., Nakada K., Shirakawa H., Nakanishi S., Nakade S. & Mikoshiba K.: Block of Ca2+wave and Ca2+ oscillation by antibody to the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in fertilized hamster eggs. Science 257 251-255 (1992)

  13. Fujita Y., Mynlieff M., Dirksen R.T, Kim M.S., Niidome T., Nakai J., Friedrich T., Iwabe N., Miyata T., Furuichi T., Furutama D., Mikoshiba K., Mori,Y. & Beam K.G.: Primary structure and functional expression of the w-conotoxin-sensitive N-type calcium channel from rabbit brain. Neuron 10 585-598 (1993)

  14. Kume S., Muto A., Aruga J., Nakagawa T., Michikawa T., Furuichi T., Nakade S., Okano H. & Mikoshiba K.: The Xenopus IP3 receptor : structure, functiion, and localization in oocytes and eggs. Cell 73 555-570 (1993)

  15. Kawasaki M., Uchida S., Monkawa T., Miyawaki A., Mikoshiba K., Marumo F., & Sasaki S.: Cloning and expression of a protein kinase C-regulated chloride channel abundantly expressed in rat brain neuronal cells. Neuron 12 597-604 (1994)

  16. Kagawa T., Ikenaka K., Inoue Y., Kuriyama S., Tsujii T., Nakao J., Nakajima K., Aruga J., Okano, H.,Mikoshiba, K.: Glial cell degeneration and hypomyelination caused by overexpression of myelin proteolipid protein gene. Neuron 13 427-442 (1994)

  17. Llinás R., Sugimori M., Lang E.J., Morita M., Fukuda M., Niinobe M. & Mikoshiba K.: The inositol high-polyphosphate series blocks synaptic transmission by preventing vesicular fusion: A squid giant synapse study. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91 12990-93 (1994)

  18. Ogawa M., Miyata T., Nakajima K., Yagyu K., Seike M., Ikenaka K., Yamamoto H. & Mikoshiba K.: The reeler gene-associated antigen on Cajal-Retzius neurons is a crucial molecule for laminar organization of cortical neurons. Neuron 14 899-912 (1995)

  19. Fukuda M., Moreira J. E., Lewis F. M. T., Sugimori M., Niinobe M., Mikoshiba K. & Llinás R.: Role of the C2B domain of synaptotagmin in vesicular release and recycling as determined by specific antibody injection into the squid giant synapse preterminal. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 10708-712 (1995)

  20. Mikoshiba K., Fukuda M., Moreira J.E., Lewis F.M.T., Sugimori M., Niinobe M. & Llinás R.: Role of the C2A domain of synaptotagmin in transmitter release as determined by specific antibody injection into the squid giant synapse preterminal. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 10703-707 (1995)

  21. Matsumoto M., Nakagawa T., Inoue T., Nagata E., Tanaka K., Takano H., Minowa O., Kuno J., Sakakibara S., Yamada M., Yoneshima H., Miyawaki A., Fukuuchi Y., Furuichi T., Okano H., Mikoshiba K. & Noda T.: Ataxia and epileptic seizures in mice lacking type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. Nature 379 168-171 (1996)  (corresponding author: K. Mikoshiba)

  22. Ohara-Imaizumi M., Fukuda M., Niinobe M., Misonou H., Ikeda K., Murakami .T., Kawasaki M., Mikoshiba K. & Kumakura K.: Distinct roles of C2A and C2B domains of synaptotagmin in the regulation of exocytosis in adrenal chromaffin cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 287-291 (1997)

  23. Nakajima K., Mikoshiba K., Miyata T., Kudo C. & Ogawa M.: Distruption ofhippocampal development in vivo by CR-50 mAb against reelin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 8196-201 (1997)

  24. Nakata K., Nagai T., Aruga J. & Mikoshiba K.: Xenopus Zic3, a primary regulator both in neural and neural crest development. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 11980-85 (1997)

  25. Sheldon M., Rice S,D., D’ Arcangelo G., Yoneshima H., Nakajima K. & Mikoshiba K., & Howell W,B., Cooper A,J ., Goldowitz D., & Curran T .:   Scrambler and yotari disrupt the disabled gene and produce a reeler-like phenotype in mice. Nature 389 730-733 (1997) 

  26. Kume S., Muto A., Inoue T., Suga K., Okano H. & Mikoshiba K.: Role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in ventral signaling in Xenopus embryos.  Science 278 1940-43 (1997)

  27. Umemori H., Inoue T., Kume S., Sekiyama N., Nagao M., Itoh H., Nakanishi S., Mikoshiba K. & Yamamoto T.: Activation of the G protein Gq/11 through tyrosine phosphorylation of the a subunit. Science 276 1878-1882 (1997)

  28. Del Rio J.A., Heimrich B., Borrell V., Forster E., Drakew A., Alcantara S., Nakajima K., Miyata T., Ogawa M., Mikoshiba K., Derer P., Frotscher M. & Soriano E.: A role for Cajal-Retzius cells and reelin in the development of hippocampal connections. Nature 385 70-74 (1997)

  29. Zhao H., Ivic L., Otaki J.M., Hashimoto M., Mikoshiba K., & Firestein S.: Functional expression of a mammalian odorant receptor. Science 279 237-242 (1998)

  30. Takei K., Shin R.-M., Inoue T., Kato K. & Mikoshiba K.: Regulation of nerve growth mediated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in growth cones. Science 282 1705-708 (1998)   

  31. Michikawa T., Hirota J., Kawano S., Hiraoka M., Yamada M., Furuichi T. & Mikoshiba K.: Calmodulin mediates calcium-dependent inactivation of the cerebellar type 1 inositol1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. Neuron 23 799-808 (1999)

  32. Boulay G., Brown D.M., Qin N., Jiang M., Dietrich A., Zhu M.X., Chen Z., Birnbaumer M., Mikoshiba K. & Birnbaumer L.: Modulation of Ca2+ entry by polypeptides of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) that bind transient receptor potential (TRP): evidence for roles of TRP and IP3R in store depletion activated Ca2+ entry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 14955-60 (1999)

  33. Futatsugi A., Kato K., Ogura H.,Li, S-T.,Nagata E.,Kuwajima G., Tanaka T., Itohara S. & Mikoshiba K.: Facilitation of NMDA receptor-independent LTP and spatial learning in mutant mice lacking Ryanodine receptor type 3. Neuron 24 701-713 (1999)

  34. Ma H.T., Patterson R.L., van Rossum D.B., Birnbaumer L., Mikoshiba K. & Gill D.L. : Requirement of the inositol trisphosphate receptor for activation of store-operated Ca2+ channels. Science 287 1647-1651 (2000)

  35. Nishiyama M., Hong K., Mikoshiba K., Poo M. & Kato K.: Calcium stores regulate the polarity and input specificity of synaptic modification. Nature 408 584-588 (2000)

  36. Nagai T., Aruga J., Minowa O., Sugimoto T., Ohno Y. & Mikoshiba K.: Zic2 regulates the kinetics of neurulation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 97 1618-1623 (2000)

  37. Utsunomiya-Tate N., Kubo K., Tate S., Kainosho M., Katayama E., Nakajima K. & Mikoshiba K.: Reelin molecules assemble together to form a large protein complex, which is inhibited by the function-blocking CR-50 antibody. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 97 9729-9734 (2000)

  38. Fukuda M., Moreira J. E., Liu V., Sugimori M. & Mikoshiba K.: Role of the conserved WHXL motif in the C terminus of synaptotagmin in synaptic vesicle docking. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci. USA 97 14715-14719 (2000)

  39. Fukami K., Nakao K., InoueT. Kataoka Y., Kurokawa M., Fissore R, A., Nakamura K., Katsuki M., Mikoshiba K., Yoshida N. & Takenawa T.: Requirement of phospholipase Cδ4 for the Zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction. Science 292 920-923 (2001)

  40. Nagai T., Ibata K., Park ES., Kubota M., Mikoshiba K. & Miyawaki A.:  A variant of yellow fluorescent protein with fast and efficient maturation for cell-biological applications. Nature Biotechnology 20 87-90 (2002)

  41. Saneyoshi T., Kume S., Amasaki Y. & Mikoshiba K.: The Wnt/Calcium pathway activates NF-AT and promotes ventral cell fate in Xenopus embryos. Nature 417 295-299 (2002)

  42. Bosanac I., Alattia J. R., Mal T. K., Chan J., Talarico S., Tong F. K., Tong K. I., Yoshikawa F., Furuichi T., Iwai M., Michikawa T., Mikoshiba K. & Ikura M.: Structure of the inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphoshate receptor binding core in complex with IP3..Nature420 696-700 (2002)

  43. Fukami K., Yoshida M., Inoue T., Kurosawa M., Rafael A.F., Yoshida N., Mikoshiba K & Takenawa T.: Phospholipase Cδ4 is required for Ca2+ mobilization essential for acrosome reaction in sperm. J. Cell Biology161 79-88 (2003)

  44. Herrera E., Brown L., Aruga J., Rachel R.A., Dolen G., Mikoshiba K, Brown S. & Mason C.A.: Zic2 patterns binocular vision by specifying the uncrossed retinal projection. Cell 114 545-557 (2003)

  45. Tomizawa K., Sunada S., Lu Y.-F., Oda Y., Kinuta M., Ohshima T., Saito T., Wei F.-Y., Matsushima M., Li S.-T., Tsutsui K., Hisanaga S., Mikoshiba K., Takei K. & Matsui H.: Cophosphorylation of amphiphysin I and dynamin I by Cdk5 regulates clathrin-mediated endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. J. Cell Biology 163(4):813-824 (2003)

  46. Nishimura K., Yoshihara F., Tojima T., Ooashi N., Yoon W., Mikoshiba K., Bennett V., Kamiguchi H.: L1-dependent neuritogenesis involves ankyrinB that mediates L1-CAM coupling with retrograde actin flow. J. Cell Biology 163, 1077-1088 (2003)

  47. Hirasawa M., Ohshima T., Takahashi S., Longenecker G., Honjo Y., Veeranna Pant, H. C., Mikoshiba K., Brady R. O. & Kulkarni A. B. : Perinatal abrogation of Cdk5 expression in brain results in neuronal migration defects. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 101(16):6249-6254 (2004)

  48. Higo T., Hattori M., Nakamura T., Natsume T., Michikawa T & Mikoshiba K.: Subtype-specific and ER-lumenal-environment-dependent Regulation of Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor Type 1 by ERp44.Cell 120:85-98 (2005)

  49. Bosanac I., Yamazaki H., Matsu-ura T., Michikawa T., Mikoshiba K. & Ikura M.: Crystal structure of the ligand binding suppressor domain of type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor Molecular Cell 17:193-203 (2005)

  50. Fan-Yan Wei, Nagashima K., Ohshima T., Saheki Y., Matsushita M., Yamada Y., Mikoshiba K., Seino Y. & Tomozawa K. : Cdk5-dependent regulation of glucouse-stimulates insulin secretion Nature Medicine 11(10):1104-1108 (2005)

  51. Futatsugi A., Nakamura T., Yamada M. K.,Ebisui E., Nakamura K., Uchida K., Kitaguchi T., Takahashi-Iwanaga H., Noda T., Aruga J. & Mikoshiba K.: IP3 Receptor Types 2 and 3 mediate exocrine secretion underlying energy metabolism.  Science 309:2232-2234 (2005)

  52. Ooashi N., Futatsugi A., Yoshihara F., Mikoshiba K., Kamiguchi H.: Cell adhesion molecules regulate Ca2+-mediated steering of growth cones via cyclic AMP and ryanodine receptor type 3.  J. Cell Biol.170: 1159-1167 (2005)

  53. Matsu-ura T., Michikawa T., Inoue T., Miyawaki A., Yoshida M. & Mikoshiba K.: Cytosolic inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate dynamics during intracellular calcium oscillations in living cells. J. Cell Biol. 173(5):755-765 (2006)

  54. Shirakabe K., Priori G., Yamada H., Ando H., Horita S., Fujita T., Fujimoto I., Mizutani A., Seki A. & Mikoshiba K.: IRBIT specifically binds to and activates pancreas-type Na+/HCO3- cotransporter 1, pNBC1. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 103(25):9542-9547 (2006)

  55. Ando H., Mizutani A., Kiefer H., Tsuzurugi D., MichikawaT. & Mikoshiba K. : IRBIT suppresses IP3 receptor activity by competing with IP3 for the common binding site on IP3 receptor in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Molecular Cell 22:795-806 (2006)

  56. Chan J., Whitten AE., Jeffries CM., Bosanac I., Mal TK., Ito J., Porumb H,, Michikawa T,, Mikoshiba K., Trewhella J., Ikura M.: Ligand-induced Conformational Changes via Flexible Linkers in the Amino-terminal region of the Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor. J Mol Biol.373(5):1269-80 (2007)

  57. Kuroda Y., Hisatsune C., Nakamura T., Matsuo K., Mikoshiba, K.:Osteoblasts induce Ca2+ oscillation-independent NFATc1 activation during osteoclastogenesis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 105(25):8643-8648 (2008)

  58. Yang D., Shcheynikov N., Zeng W., Ohana E., So I., Ando H., Mizutani A., Mikoshiba K., Muallem S.:  IRBIT coordinates epithelial fluid and HCO3- secretion by stimulating the transporters pNBC1 and CFTR in the murine pancreatic duct. J Clinical Investigation 119(1):193-202 (2009)

  59. Higazi DR., Fearnley CJ., Drawnel FM., Talasila A., Corps EM., Ritter O., McDonald F., Mikoshiba K., Bootman MD., Roderick HL. :Endothelin-1-stimulated InsP3-induced Ca2+ release is a nexus for hypertrophic signaling in cardiac myocytes. Molecular Cell 33(4): 472-82 (2009)

  60. Bannai H., Lévi S., Schweizer C., Inoue T., Launey T., Racine V., Sibarita JB., Mikoshiba K., Triller A.: Activity-dependent tuning of inhibitory neurotransmission based on GABAAR diffusion dynamics. Neuron62(5):670-82. (2009)

  61. Gerasimenko JV., Lur G., Sherwood MW., Ebisui E., Tepikin AV., Mikoshiba K., Gerasimenko OV., Petersen OH.: Pancreatic protease activation by alcohol metabolite depends on Ca2+ release via acid store IP3 receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106(26): 10758-63. (2009)

  62. Horikawa K., Yamada Y., Matsuda T., Kobayashi K., Hashimoto M., Matsu-Ura T., Miyawaki A., Michikawa T., Mikoshiba K., Nagai T.: Spontaneous network activity visualized by ultrasensitive Ca(2+) indicators, yellow Cameleon-Nano. Nature Methods.7(9):729-32. (2010)

  63. Suzuki M., Van Paesschen W., Stalmans I., Horita S., Yamada H., Bergmans BA., Legius E., Riant F., De Jonghe P., Li Y., Sekine T., Igarashi T., Fujimoto I., Mikoshiba K., Shimadzu M., Shiohara M., Braverman N., Al-Gazali L., Fujita T., Seki G.: Defective membrane expression of the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBCe1 is associated with familial migraine. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.107(36): 15963-8. (2010)

  64. Higo T., Hamada K., Hisatsune C., Nukina N., Hashikawa T., Hattori M., Nakamura T., Mikoshiba K. : Mechanism of ER stress-induced brain damage by IP3 receptor. Neuron 68(5): 865-878 (2010)

  65. Maul-Pavicic A., Chiang SC., Rensing-Ehl A., Jessen B, Fauriat C., Wood SM., Sjöqvist S., Hufnagel M., Schulze I., Bass T., Schamel WW., Fuchs S., Pircher H., McCarl CA., Mikoshiba K., Schwarz K., Feske S., Bryceson YT., Ehl S.:  ORAI1-mediated calcium influx is required for human cytotoxic lymphocyte degranulation and target cell lysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108(8): 3324-9 (2011)

  66. Yang D, Li Q., So I., Huang CL, Ando H., Mizutani A., Seki G., Mikoshiba K., Thomas PJ., Muallem S.:  IRBIT governs epithelial secretion in mice by antagonizing the WNK/SPAK kinase pathway. J Clinical Investigation 121(3): 956-65 (2011)

  67. Gerasimenko J.V., Lur G, Ferdek P., Sherwood MW., Ebisui E., Tepikin AV., Mikoshiba K., Petersen OH., Gerasimenko OV.:  Calmodulin protects against alcohol-induced pancreatic trypsinogen activation elicited via Ca2+ release through IP3 receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 108(14): 5873-8. (2011)

  68. Shinohara T., Michikawa T., Enomoto M., Goto J., Iwai M., Matsu-Ura T., Yamazaki H., Miyamoto A., Suzuki A., Mikoshiba K.:  Mechanistic basis of bell-shaped dependence of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor gating on cytosolic calcium. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.108(37): 15486-91 (2011)

  69. Hamada K., Terauchi A., Nakamura K., Higo T., Nukina N., Matsumoto N., Hisatsune C., Nakamura T., Mikoshiba K.: Aberrant calcium signaling by transglutaminase-mediated posttranslational modification of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.111(38): E3966-75 (2014)

  70. Klar J., Hisatsune C. (equal contribution), Baig SM., Tariq M., Johansson AC., Rasool M., Malik NA., Ameur A., Sugiura K., Feuk L., Mikoshiba K. (corresponding author), Dahl N.: Abolished InsP3R2 function inhibits sweat secretion in both humans and mice J Clinical Investigation 124(11): 4773-80 (2014)

  71. Tsuboi D., Kuroda K., Tanaka M., Namba T., Iizuka Y., Taya S., Shinoda T., Hikita T,, Muraoka S,, Iizuka M,, Nimura A,, Mizoguchi A., Shiina N., Sokabe M., Okano H., Mikoshiba K., Kaibuchi K.: Disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 regulates transport of ITPR1 mRNA for synaptic plasticity. Nature Neuroscience18(5): 698-707. (2015)

  72. Kawaai K., Mizutani A., Shoji H., Ogawa N., Ebisui E., Kuroda Y., Wakana S., Miyakawa T., Hisatsune C., Mikoshiba K.: IRBIT regulates CaMKIIα activity and contributes to catecholamine homeostasis through tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.112(17): 5515-20. (2015)

  73. Hisatsune C., Ebisui E., Usui M., Ogawa N., Suzuki A., Mataga N., Takahashi-Iwanaga H., Mikoshiba K.: ERp44 Exerts redox-dependent control of blood pressure at the ER. Molecular Cell. 58(6): 1015-27. (2015)

  74. Bannai H., Niwa F., Sherwood M.W., Shrivastava A.N., Arizono M., Miyamoto A., Sugiura K., Lévi S., Triller A., Mikoshiba K. : Bidirectional control of synaptic GABAAR clustering by glutamate and calcium Cell Reports 13:1-3 (2015)

  75. Monai H., Ohkura M., Tanaka M., Oe Y., Konno A., Hirai H,, Mikoshiba K,, Itohara S,, Nakai J,, Iwai Y,, Hirase H.:  Calcium imaging reveals glial involvement in transcranial direct current stimulation-induced plasticity in mouse brain. Nature Communications (2016) doi: 10.1038/ncomms11100.

  76. Kim SK., Hayashi H., Ishikawa T., Shibata K., Shigetomi E., Shinozaki Y., Inada H., Roh SE., Kim SJ., Lee G., Bae H., Moorhouse AJ., Mikoshiba K., Fukazawa Y., Koizumi S., Nabekura J.:  Cortical astrocytes rewire somatosensory cortical circuits for peripheral neuropathic pain.J Clinical Investion126(5): 1983-97 (2016)

  77. Ushioda R., Miyamoto A., Inoue M., Watanabe S., Okumura M., Maegawa KI., Uegaki K., Fujii S., Fukuda Y., Umitsu M., Takagi J., Inaba K., Mikoshiba K., Nagata K. :Redox-assisted regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum by disulfide reductase ERdj5. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 113(41): E6055-E6063. (2016)

  78. Bonneau B., Ando H., Kawaai K., Hirose M., Takahashi-Iwanaga H., Mikoshiba K.:  IRBIT controls apoptosis by interacting with the Bcl-2 homolog, Bcl2l10, and by promoting ER-mitochondria contact.Elife19896. (2016)

  79. Kawaai K., Ando H., Satoh N., Yamada H., Ogawa N., Hirose M., Mizutani A., Bonneau B., Seki G., Mikoshiba K.:  Splicing variation of Long-IRBIT determines the target selectivity of IRBIT family proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 114(15): 3921-3926. (2017)

  80. Hamada K., Miyatake H., Terauchi A., Mikoshiba K.: IP3-mediated gating mechanism of the IP3 receptor revealed by mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.114(18): 4661-4666. (2017)

  81. Sugawara T., Hisatsune C., Miyamoto H., Ogawa N., Mikoshiba K.: Regulation of spinogenesis in mature Purkinje cells via mGluR/PKC -mediated phosphorylation of CaMKIIβ. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 114(26): E5256-E5265. (2017)

  82. Nakayama K., Ohashi R., Shinoda Y., Yamazaki M., Abe M., Fujikawa A.. Shigenobu S., Futatsugi A., Noda M., Mikoshiba K., Furuichi T., Sakimura K., Shiina N.: RNG105/caprin1, an RNA granule protein for dendritic mRNA localization, is essential for long-term memory formatione  eLife DOI://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.29677.001 (2017)

  83. Ando H., Hirose M., Mikoshiba K.:   Aberrant IP3 receptor activities revealed by comprehensive analysis of pathological mutations causing spinocerebellar ataxia 29.  Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 115 (48) 12259-12264  (2018)

  84. Bartok A., Weaver D., Golenár T., Nichtova Z., Katona M., Bánsághi S., Alzayady KJ., Thomas VK., Ando H., Mikoshiba K., Joseph SK., Yule DI., Csordás G., Hajnóczky G.:IP3 receptor isoforms differently regulate ER-mitochondrial contacts and local calcium transfer  Nature Comminications //doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11646-3 (2019)

  85. Hamada K., Mikoshiba K.:  IP3 receptor plasticity underlying diverse functions.   Annual Review of Physiology. annurev-physiol-021119-03443382  pp. 151–176 (2020)

  86. Arizono M., Inavalli VVG., Panatier A., Angibaud J., Stobart J., Bellocchio L., Marsicano G., Mikoshiba K., Weber B., Oliet S. H.R., Nägerl U. V.: Structural basis of astrocytic Ca2+ signals at tripartite synapses.Nature Communications (2020) 11:1906.

  87. Kohro Y., Matsuda T., Yoshihara K., Kohno K., Koga K., Katsuragi R., Oka T., Tashima R., Muneta S., Yamane T., Okada S., Momokino K., Furusho A., Hamase K., Oti T., Sakamoto H., Hayashida K., Kobayashi R., Horii T., Hatada I., Tozaki-Saitoh H., Mikoshiba K., Taylor V., Inoue K., Tsuda M.: Spinal astrocytes in superficial laminae gate brainstem descending control of mechanosensory  hypersensitivity. Nature Neuroscience.  NN-A63885B  (2020)

  88. Kabayama H., Takeuchi M., Tokushige N., Muramatsu S-I., Fukuda M., Y amada Y., Mikoshiba K.: An ultra-stable cytoplasmic antibody engineered for in vivo applications. Nature Communications (2020)11:336 | //doi.org/10.1038/ s41467-019-13654-9  (2020)