
91直播下载-91直播网 抗体功能筛选实验室致力于前沿基础科学研究,专注于构建与疾病和生命信号通路相关的细胞和动物模型、设计和建立新型组合库技术和高效筛选方法、研究和开发具有生物活性的功能性抗体。现诚聘各类英才,欢迎具有创新和开拓精神,有志于前沿抗体及生命科学研究的高端研究人才和优秀青年研究人才加盟,岗位汇报对象为研究组PI。

1. 应聘人具有相当于国外知名院校或跨国药企,副教授以上或相当职务;
2. 具有前沿生物科技视野和人脉,以及世界一流的学术水平和专业技术;
3. 具有先进的科研团队和项目管理经验;
4. 具有跨界融合和交叉学科经验。 
1. 短期内确立可实现的,具有原创性的独立学术方向和课题;
2. 参与课题组的人员招聘,培训和管理;
3. 协助实验室的日常运营和管理,营造开放,自由,严谨,协同的学术氛围和科研合作环境;
4. 参与、设计、和指导实验室各种科研基金、人才项目、对外合作的申请和落实;
5. 参与学校的研究生培养以及教学和行政事务;
6. 在国际一流学术杂志上发表高水平论文;
7. 组织实验室的科技专利申报和转化。

Bioinformatics Research Associate/Assistant Professor Position
Guang Yang's lab Phenotypic screening in SIAIS (ShanghaiTech University) is looking for a highly motivated candidate with a bioinformatics background for a faculty position. Yang lab focuses on screening of antibodies and peptides as drug candidates for membrane proteins. 
The ideal candidate is an experienced scholar which can independently design and carry on data analysis to support the experimental research of the whole lab. The ideal candidate will be able to: 
•Perform computational analysis for exploration and interpretation of high-throughput data including next generation sequencing; 
•Develop and implement state-of-the-art approaches for biological pathway and network analysis; 
•Develop methods for integration of heterogeneous biological data towards answering broader scientific questions; 
•Ability to conduct collaborative research. 
•Excellent English communication skills both in written and oral form. 
•A PhD in molecular biology, computer science, bioinformatics, biochemistry, or related discipline. 
•Prior experience (3+ years) of analysis and interpretation of transcriptomics/proteomics data in academic or scientific research scenarios;
•A track record of publications in peer-reviewed journals. 
•Experience with genome data analysis, 

•Experience with statistical methods, programming languages and shell script (e.g. Python, Perl, Bash), mathematical modeling, and/or analysis of large-scale sequencing data.

How to apply: 
Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae to: [email protected]

活体生物学方向(in vivo biology)1名
1. 生物学、细胞生物学、分子生物学,免疫学等相关专业背景,博士学历,至少2年博士后与模式动物疾病模型相关科研工作经验,具有海外知名院校和药企博士后经历的人才优先考虑;
2. 具有独立的科研思维和优秀的学术水平,近期在国际一流刊物上发表过高影响因子的论文;
3. 独立承担过基金项目,能独立负责完成科研项目,熟悉所从事领域的前沿进展;熟悉特定疾病领域的基础研究及临床应用;
4. 积极参与或独立承担实验室各项课题的开展,参与实验经费申请及管理,能独立申请科研经费和项目的实施
5. 优秀的英语口语和英语写作技能,优秀的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
1. 设计和指导实验室各种科研基金、人才项目、对外合作的申请和落实
2. 独立承担实验室课题的开展
3. 参与实验经费申请及管理
4. 开展前沿学术研究,发表高水平研究论文

Postdoc Position in electrophysiology
We are seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow who holds a Ph.D. in physiology, biophysics, biochemistry, or a related field. The faculty mentors for this position will be Guang Yang, SIAIS Deputy Director and Fabio Mammano, SIAIS Visiting Professor. Our Laboratory of Phenotypic Screening aims to understand the relationship between structure and function of connexin channels involved in hereditary deafness and skin disorders using a multi-disciplinary approach that includes electrophysiology, molecular biology, biochemistry and structural biology. The fellow will investigate how point mutations alter the biophysical properties of connexin channels in expression systems. The position will offer many opportunities to apply a variety of functional techniques to characterize functionally connexin channels, such as single channel recordings in the dual patch clamp configuration, alone or in combination with confocal fluorescence imaging and FRET microscopy to estimate single channel permeability. 
Qualifications: The ideal candidate must have experience in patch clamp electrophysiology methods, confocal imaging and data analysis. Knowledge of Matlab and/or ImageJ is highly appreciated.
Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage for postdoctoral research fellows set by ShanghaiTech University. 
How to apply: 
Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae to: [email protected]

Post doc position molecular modelling/molecular dynamics
Basic qualification:
1) A degree in Physics, Chemistry, Informatics or Mathematics or equivalently, 3 years of experience after graduation in the same fields
2) Knowledge of structural biology, and previous experience in molecular dynamics simulation at any level (ab initio, classical MD, coarse grained MD).
3) Familiarity with one of the most common software packages for MD: Amber, Gromacs, Charmm, NAMD, and with at least one visualization software (in particular VMD)
4) A record of publications in international peer reviewed journals, appropriate for the career experience.
5) Good level of spoken and written English
Preferred qualifications:
6) Experience in simulation of membrane proteins at atomistic level, in particular ion channels.
7) Experience in protein protein interaction and usage of docking softwares or website.
8) Experience with at least one major software language (C, C++, Fortran, Phyton) and/or scripting in Linux/Unix environment (bash, awk, etc.)
How to apply: 
Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae to: [email protected]


1. 请将详细的中英文个人简历:包括学习工作经历、主要研究工作内容、代表论文论著清单、获得的奖励情况等,发至91zbxz.com[email protected], 邮件标题请注明:申请抗体功能筛选实验室科研岗位。
2. 应聘时间:2016年6月起,招满为止。
