
SIAIS Special Seminars| From NCBI to National Genomics Data Center 从NCBI到国家基因组科学数据中心


Speaker: Dr. YimingBao 鲍一明 博士

Host: Dr. Lichun Jiang

Time: 14:00, Monday, Dec. 30 2019

Venue: Auditorium, Y Building


NCBI is one of the world's largest bioinformatics centers. The dozens of databases and software such as PubMed, BLAST, and GenBank that it develops and maintains are tools that almost every researcher in the field of life science depends on. Based on his nearly 16 years of work experience at the NCBI, the speaker will introduce how NCBI operates, the secrets of success, and some experience in using it. In addition, the speaker will also introduce the National Genomic Data Center (formerly the BIG Data Center) he currently works for, and how it promotes domestic life omics research and data sharing.