Senior Engineer, Biomedical Big Data Platform

2018.5-Present Biomedical Big Data Platform, SIAIS, Shanghaitech University, Shanghai, China
2014.11-2017.10 Principal Scientist I: IT, Lilly China Research and Development Center, Shanghai, China
2011.4-2014.11 Postdoctoral Research in Genetics and Genomics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA
2008.7-2011.4 Postdoctoral Research in Genomics, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
2002.9-2008.1 Ph.D. in Cellular Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, CAS, Shanghai, China
1998.9-2002.7 B.A. in Biological Sciences, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China

Selected Publications:
1. Haixia Zou, Qian Liu, Li Meng, Jingye Zhou, Chenxiao Da, Xikun Wu, Lichun Jiang, Jianyong Shou, Haiqing Hua. Chemical genetic-based phenotypic screen reveals novel regulators of gluconeogenesis in human primary hepatocytes. NPJ Genomic Medicine 2018 15;3:20.
2. Liu J, Xiao Y, Wu X, Jiang L, Yang S, Ding Z, Fang Z, Hua H, Kirby MS, Shou J. A circulating microRNA signature as noninvasive diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. BMC Genomics. 2018 Mar 9;19(1):188.
3. Lichun Jiang, Xiaofang Liang, Eric Zaneveld, Yumei Li锛孒ui Wang, Keqing Wang, Han-Fang Tuan,Chen Rui锛孯uifang Sui. Molecular Diagnosis of a Chinese Patient Cohort with Usher Syndrome Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2015 Sep 4;10 (1):110.
4. Fei wang, Lichun Jiang, Yong Chen, Nele A. Haelterman, Hugo J Bellen and Rui Chen. FlyVar: a database for genetic variation in Drosophila melanogaster. Database. 2015: bav079doi: 10.1093/database/bav079.
5. Nele A Haelterman, Lichun Jiang, Yumei Li, Vafa Bayat, Berrak Ugur, Kai Li Tan, Ke Zhang, Danqing Bei, Bo Xiong, Wu-Lin Charng, Hector Sandoval, Shinya Yamamoto, Manish Jaiswal, Hugo J Bellen and Rui Chen. Systematic mutation-identification of EMS-induced mutations on the Drosophila X-chromosome: whole genome sequencing versus mapping. Genome Res. 2014 Oct;24(10):1707-18.
6. Jianning Tao, Ming-Ming Jiang, Lichun Jiang, Jason S. Salvo, Brian Dawson, Terry K. Bertin, Pulivarthi H. Rao, Rui Chen, Lawrence Donehower, Francis Gannon, and Brendan H. Lee.. A conditional mouse model of osteogenic sarcoma: insight into tumor initiation and cells of origin. Cancer Cell. 2014 Sep 8;26(3):390-401.
7. Powell BC, Jiang L, Muzny DM, Treviño LR, Dreyer ZE, Strong LC, Wheeler DA, Gibbs RA, Plon SE. Identification of TP53 as an Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia Susceptibility Gene Through Exome Sequencing. Pediatric Blood and Cancer (2012), doi: 10.1002/pbc.24417
8. Malone JH, Cho DY, Mattiuzzo NR, Artieri CG, Jiang L, Dale RK, Smith HE, McDaniel J, Munro S, Salit M, Andrews J, Przytycka TM, Oliver B. Mediation of Drosophila autosomal dosage effects and compensation by network interactions. Genome Biol (2012) 13(4) r28.
9. Lichun Jiang*, Felix Schlesinger*, Carrie A. Davis, Yu Zhang, Renhua Li, Marc Salit, Thomas R. Gingeras, and Brian Oliver Synthetic spike-in standards for RNA-seq experiments. Genome Res (2011) 9:1543-51. *Co-first-author.
10. Graveley BR,Brooks AN,Carlson Jw,Duff MO,Landolin JM,Yang L, Artieri CG,Van Baren Mj,Boley N,Booth BW, ... Lichun Jiang 鈥t al. The developmental transcriptome of Drosophila melanogaster. Nature (2011), 7339:473-9.
11. Li Fang-Zhen and Jiang Li-Chun. A simplified tether model for molecular motor transporting cargo. Chinese Phys. B(2010), 19:020503.
12. Lichun Jiang, Minghui Yao, Jun Shi, Ping Shen, Jian Fei, Gang Niu. Yin Yang 1 directly regulates the transcription of RE-1 silencing transcription factor. Journal of Neuroscience Research (2008), 86:1209-16.
13. Gang Niu, Ling Huang, Qiong Wang, Lichun Jiang, Min Huang, Ping Shen, Jian Fei. A novel strategy to identify the regulatory DNA-organized cooperations among transcription factors. FEBS Lett (2006). 580:415-24.