
Guang Yang, Ph.D.


  Guang Yang, Ph.D.

Distinguished Adjunct Professor

Principal Investigator

Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, ShanghaiTech University

Email: yangguang@@91zbxz.com

Laboratory: Lab of Phenotypic Screen


Dr. Guang Yang finished his Ph.D. at College Park, University of Maryland in 1995. Receiver of the 2012 Talent Award of Innovation and Entrepreneur in Jiangsu Province, he conducts investigation chiefly in the following areas: 1) phenotypic assay development and application, and 2) examination and characterization of therapeutic antibodies and their targets. Dr. Yang has established expertise on a wide range of research subjects in disease management, covering disorders of cancerous, inflammatory, auto-immune, infectious, metabolic types and more. He brings to his work both substantial academic training and more than twenty years of professional experience in the R&D departments of global pharmaceutical companies and drug discovery institutes. At Shanghaitech, he leads a R&D team that has attained outstanding achievements. He also spearheads extensive partnerships with domestic and international collaborators, and has generated great synergy between academy and industry.


1. Provisional patent, case number P51253P, Compounds and Methods March 30, 2001.
2. Provisional patent, case number P51183P, Truncated Methionine Aminopeptidase-2 Sept. 2001
3. Provisional patent, docket number 8017-005-PR, “Heterocyclic Compounds as Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitors” August 28, 2002


1. Yea K1, Zhang H, Xie J, Jones TM, Yang G, Song BD, Lerner RA. Converting stem cells to dendritic cells by agonist antibodies from unbiased morphogenic selections. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Sep 10;110(37):14966-71.
2. Yang, G. & Bu, H.-Z.”Toxicology of Chiral Drugs”(2011) in “Chiral Drugs: Chemistry and Biological Action” Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-58720-1, Chapter 11.