
Dr. Jia Liu from the Laboratory of ADC Chemistry was invited to speak at 6th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology(CMCB-2016)


Research Associate Professor Jia Liu fromthe Laboratory of ADC Chemistry was invited to speak at 6th AnnualWorld Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2016), Forum 5-3: GenomeEditing Tools: CRISPR/Cas, TALEN and ZFN. Dr. Jia Liu will present his recentwork Improved Cell-Penetrating Zinc-FingerNuclease Proteins for Precision Genome Engineering, which was recentlypublished on Molecular Therapy � NucleicAcids (see more details in recent SIAIS news: //91zbxz.com/eng/newsview.asp?id=171)

CMCB-2016 will be held during April 25-28,2016 in Dalian, China, with the theme “Unlocking the Secrets of Cells”. Participantsin CMCB-2016 will include academic and industrial reserachers as well as agentsfrom funding organization. Keynote speakers in CMCB-2015 include NobelLaureates Drs. Bruce A. Beutler and Tim Hunt.
