Seminar 1
Title: 胶质瘤的病理诊断新进展
Speaker: Hong Chen 陈宏 副主任医师
复旦大学华山医院虹桥园区病理科执行主任;复旦大学神经外科91直播下载 分子病理室副主任;复旦大学附属华山医院病理科PCR实验室负责人
Invited by Dr. Ge Jiang 江舸 博士
Time: 14:00 - 15:00, April 2 (Friday), 2021
Venue: Auditorium at Y Building, ShanghaiTech
Seminar 2
Title: A Pharmaco-genomic Landscape in Human Liver Cancers - From cell lines to patients
Speaker: Yi-Xue Li 李亦学教授
Professor of CAS-MPG Partner Institute of Computational Biology, Director of Biomedical Big Data Center, Shanghai Institute for Nutrition & Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Director of Shanghai Center for Bioinformation Technology
Invited by Dr. Ge Jiang 江舸 博士
Time: 15:00 - 16:00, April 2 (Friday), 2021
Venue: Auditorium at Y Building, ShanghaiTech