Research Assistant Professor
Laboratory: Lab of Structural Biochemistry
Research Interest: Exploring the mechanism of transcription activation and other important signaling pathways.
2014.07-present Research Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS), ShanghaiTech University.
2010.11-2014.07 Senior scientist, Shanghai Chempartner Research Co. Ltd, China.
2009.09-2010.10 Postdoctoral fellow, UT Southwestern Medical Center, U.S.A.
2009.02 Ph.D. in Biochemistry &Molecular Biology, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, SIBS, CAS, China.
2002.06 B.Sc. in Biology, Nanjing University, China.

Representative publications:
1. Meyer PA, Li S, Zhang M, Yamada K, Takagi Y, Hartzog GA, Fu J. Structures and Functions of the Multiple KOW Domains of Transcription Elongation Factor Spt5. Mol Cell Biol. 2015 Oct 1; 35(19):3354-69.
2. Ni L, Li S, Yu J, Min J, Brautigam CA, Tomchick DR, Pan D, Luo X. Structural basis for autoactivation of human Mst2 kinase and its regulation by RASSF5. Structure. 2013 Oct 8; 21(10):1757-68.
3. Zhang T, Li S, Zhang Y, Zhong C, Lai Z, Ding J. Crystal structure of the ARL2-GTP-BART complex reveals a novel recognition and binding mode of small GTPase with effector. Structure. 2009 Apr 15; 17(4):602-10.
4. Li S, Wang H, Peng B, Zhang M, Zhang D, Hou S, Guo Y, Ding J. Efalizumab binding to the LFA-1 alphaL I domain blocks ICAM-1 binding via steric hindrance. Proc Natl AcadSci U S A. 2009 Mar 17; 106(11):4349-54.
5. Li S, Lu Y, Peng B, Ding J. Crystal structure of human phosphoribosylpyrophosphatesynthetase 1 reveals a novel allosteric site. Biochem J. 2007 Jan 1; 401(1):39-47.
6. Yu Y, Li S, Xu X, Li Y, Guan K, Arnold E, Ding J. Structural basis for the unique biological function of small GTPase RHEB. J Biol Chem. 2005 Apr 29; 280(17):17093-100.
7. Yu Y, Chang Y, Li S, Hu H, Huang Q, Ding J. Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary structural characterization of the GTPase domain of human Rheb. ActaCrystallogr D BiolCrystallogr. 2004 Oct; 60(Pt 10):1883-7.