
强敏 博士


  强敏 博士

Research Assistant Professor

Laboratory: Lab of Phenotypic Screening

Email: qiangmin@@91zbxz.com

Education & Work Experiences:

2018.7-now, Research Assistant Professor, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, ShanghaiTech University

2016.2-2018.7, Postdoc, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, ShanghaiTech University
2014.7-2016.1, Pediatric Disease Research Institute of Shaanxi Province, xi’an Children’s Hospital
2009.9-2014.6, Biochemistry and molecular neurobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005.9-2009.7, Biological Science (GPA: 3.91), Lanzhou University


1. Qiang, M., Dong, X., et. al, Yang, G., Richard, A.L. (2018) Selection of an ASIC1a-blocking combinatorial antibody that protects cells from ischemic death. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 115(32):E7469-E7477. 

2. Tong, Z.*, Han, C.*, Qiang, M.*, Wang, W., Su, T., Wu, B., and He, R. (2015) Age-related formaldehyde interferes with DNA methyltransferase function, causing memory loss in   Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiology of Aging; (1):100-10, doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.(共同第一作者)
3. Qiang, M.*, Xiao, R.*, Su, T., Wu, B., Tong, Z., Liu, Y. and He, R. (2014) A novel  mechanism for endogenous formaldehyde elevation in SAMP8 mouse. Journal of Alzheimer's disease; 40(4):1039-53.
4. Qiang, M.*, Xu, Y.*, Lu, Y., He. Y., Han, C., Liu, Y., He, R. (2014). Autofluorescence of MDA-modified proteins as an in vitro and in vivo probe in oxidative stress analysis. Protein & Cell; 5(6):484-7. Ø
5. Xu,Y.*, Qiang, M.*, Zhang, J., Liu, Y., and He, R.(2012) Reactive carbonyl compounds (RCCs) cause aggregation and dysfunction of fibrinogen. Protein & Cell; 3(8):627-40.(共同第一作者)
6. Qiang, M.*, Wu, B., and Liu, Y. (2011). A brief review on current progress in neuroscience in China. Sci China Life Sci 54, 1156-1159.